Cydia Tweak Spotify

TweakCydia Tweak Spotify

Script Summary:Mutes the audio ads on, while they are still being played, so *everyone* is happy. I have tried to make it as tiny and straightforward as possible, with less than 22 lines of well commented code. Kudos to la_poigne for providing me a relatively good kick-start.

Unlimited Gold and Silver. 10K Silver or 1K Gold for 1 click on resources. Easy refill fuel. Tweaks, Category: Artist, Singles: Sisters, Girl on the Wire, Sisters, Top Tracks: Girl on the Wire, Sisters, Flown, Clay, Monthly Listeners: 815, Where People Listen.

Cydia Tweak Download Spotify Songs

SpotifyCydia Tweak Spotify

Spotify Cydia Tweak Ios 12


Supporting the Spotify revenue model is important for the welfare of the music industry in the digital age. This script does not remove advertising from the web player, just mutes the audio commercials.

Cydia Tweak Spotify Premium

If you want to get rid of the in-page ads use something like AdBlock Plus with a nice set of lists like Fanboy's.

This one gets rid of the in-header ads:

Cydia Tweak Free Spotify Premium
