May 12, 2009 I guess it depends on why you need a copy of PANSOPS Doc 8168 and whether you're after Vol. 1 or Vol 2.I'm led to believe that the version available via that link is not the up to date version and, if so, you need to know that there's been a lot of changes and refinements in the criteria and even in the arrangement of the document. (PANS-OPS, Doc 8168), respectively. Action Required: a) Implementation of the amendments on 10 November 2016; b) Publication of any differences as of 10 November 2016. I have the honour to inform you that the Air Navigation Commission, acting under. All previous editions of Doc 8168, Volume I. Doc 8168 OPS/611 Procedures for Air Navigation Services International Civil Aviation Organization Volume I. (a) ICAO Doc 8168 Volumes I and II - Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS) (b) ICAO Doc 9368 – IFP Construction Manual (c) ICAO Doc 9371 – Template Manual (d) ICAO Doc 9724 – CRM Manual (e) ICAO Doc 9365 – All Weather Operations Manual.
PDToolKit is a commercial off-the-shelf product developed and owned by ASD. PDToolKit consists of a number of components which provide a toolset to assist in the creation, analysis and review of complex surfaces for all types of flight procedures as detailed in ICAO document 8168.
To improve Airspace Management, the dynamic availability of quality IPD is of utmost importance. Air Navigation Service Providers are required to ensure the flow of aeronautical information necessary for the safety, regularity, and efficiency of international air navigation within their area of responsibility. The airspace users (and the organisations serving the airspace users) depend on the accuracy and timeliness of such data for safe flight operations.
The main goals driving the development of PDToolKit are:
- Safety Enhancement
- Quality Improvement
- Cost Reduction
- Increased efficiency
A comprehensive tool set is available including:
Icao Pans Ops Doc 8168 Form
Icao Doc 8168 Pans-ops Vol 2
- Segments (Arrival, initial, Intermediate, Missed Approach, etc.)
- Aircraft turns and templates (Wind Spiral, Base Turn, Racetrack, 45°-180° Reversal, 80°-260° Reversal, etc.)
- Navigation Splay
- Holding Buffer and Holding Area
- Terminal Area Fixes
- Precision Segments ( ILS, GBAS, SBAS)
- Departures
- DME/DME Coverage
- En-route Navigation
- Visual Circling
- Sector Altitudes
- Aerodrome/Heliport
- PBN RNAV (Basic GNSS, DME/DME, VOR/DME, Protection Turns, etc.)
PDToolKit conforms to ICAO standards as documented in:
- DOC 8697 Manual of Aeronautical Charts
- DOC 8400 Abbreviations and codes of OACI (PANS- ABC)
- DOC 9881 Guidelines for Electronic Terrain, Obstacle and Aerodrome
- DOC 7910 Indicators of location
- DOC 9613 Manual PBN
- DOC 9905 Manual for the preparation of procedures RNP AR
- DOC 9906 Quality Assurance Manual for Procedures Design
- DOC 7488 Standard Atmosphere