Generate Pre Shared Key Online

This section describes the process of configuring a site-to-siteconnection using a shared key style OpenVPN tunnel.

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When configuring a shared key site-to-site OpenVPN connection one firewall willbe the server and the other will be the client. Usually the main location willbe the server side and the remote offices will act as clients, though theopposite is functionally equivalent. Similar to a remote access OpenVPNconfiguration there will be a dedicated subnet in use for the OpenVPNinterconnection between networks in addition to the subnets on both ends. Theexample configuration described here is depicted in FigureOpenVPN Example Site-to-Site Network. is used as the Tunnel Network. The OpenVPN tunnel betweenthe two firewalls gets an IP address on each end out of that subnet, asillustrated in the diagram. The following sections describe how to configure theserver and client sides of the connection.

Configuring Server Side¶

  • Navigate to VPN > OpenVPN, Server tab

  • Click Add to create a new server entry

  • Fill in the fields as follows, with everything else left at defaults:

Server Mode

Select Peer to Peer (Shared Key).


Enter text here to describe the connection (e.g. ExampleCoSiteBVPN)

Shared key

Check Automatically generate a shared key, or paste in apre-existing shared key for this connection.

Tunnel Network

Enter the previously chosen network,

Remote network

Generate Pre Shared Key online, free

Enter the LAN on the Site B side,

  • Click Save

  • Click to edit the server that was created a moment ago

  • Find the Shared Key box

  • Select all text inside the Shared Key box

  • Copy the text to the clipboard

  • Save the contents to a file, or paste into a text editor such as Notepadtemporarily

Next, add a firewall rule on WAN allowing access to the OpenVPN server.

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  • Navigate to Firewall > Rules, WAN tab

  • Click Add to create a new rule at the top of the list

  • Set Protocol to UDP

  • Set the Source address to match the client. If it has a dynamic IP address,leave it set to Any, otherwise set the rule to only allow from the WAN IPaddress of the client:

    • Select Single Host or Alias in Source

    • Enter the WAN address of the client as the Source address (e.g.

  • Set the Destination to WAN Address

  • Set the Destination port to 1194 in this instance

  • Enter a Description, such as OpenVPNfromSiteB

  • Click Save and the rule will look likeFigure OpenVPN Example Site-to-Site WAN Firewall Rule.

  • Click Apply Changes

A rule must also be added to the OpenVPN interface to pass traffic over theVPN from the Client-side LAN to the Server-side LAN. An “Allow all” style rulemay be used, or a set of stricter rules. In this example allowing all traffic isOK so the following rule is made:

Generate Pre Shared Key Online Login

  • Navigate to Firewall > Rules, OpenVPN tab

  • Click Add to create a new rule at the top of the list

  • Set Protocol to any

  • Enter a Description such as AllowallonOpenVPN

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply Changes

The server configuration is finished.

Configuring Client Side¶

  • Navigate to VPN > OpenVPN, Client tab on the client system

  • Click Add to create a new OpenVPN client instance

  • Fill in the fields as follows, with everything else left at defaults:

Server Mode

Generate Pre Shared Key Online

Select Peer to Peer (Shared Key).

Server host or address

Enter the public IP address or hostname of the OpenVPNserver here (e.g.


Enter text to describe the connection (e.g. ExampleCoSiteAVPN)

Shared key

Uncheck Automatically generate a shared key, then paste in theshared key for the connection using the key copied from the server instancecreated previously.

Tunnel Network

Must match the server side exactly (e.g.

Remote network

Enter the LAN network on the Site A side,

  • Click Save

A rule must also be added to the OpenVPN interface to pass traffic over theVPN from the Server-side LAN to the Client-side LAN. An “Allow all” style rulemay be used, or a set of stricter rules. In this example allowing all traffic isOK so the following rule is made:

  • Navigate to Firewall > Rules, OpenVPN tab

  • Click Add to create a new rule at the top of the list

  • Set Protocol to any

  • Enter a Description such as AllowallonOpenVPN

  • Click Save

  • Click Apply changes

Generate Pre Shared Key Online Games

The configuration of the client is complete. No firewall rules are required onthe client side WAN interface because the client only initiates outboundconnections. The server never initiates connections to the client.


With remote access PKI configurations, typically routes and otherconfiguration options are not defined on the client configuration, but ratherthey are pushed from the server to the client. With shared key deployments,routes and other parameters must be defined on both ends as needed (asdescribed previously, and later inCustom configuration options), options cannot be pushedfrom the server to clients when using shared keys.

Testing the connection¶


The connection will immediately be active upon saving on the client side. Try toping across to the remote end to verify connectivity. If problems arise, referto Troubleshooting OpenVPN.