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AdvancedDungeons & Dragons® 2ndEdition



Theupdated MonstrousManual™for the AD&D® 2nd Edition Game

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ADVANCEDDUNGEONS & DRAGONS and AD&D are registered trademarks ownedby TSR, Inc.

TheTSR logo and MONSTROUS MANUAL are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.





InteriorIllustrations:TonyDiTerlizzi (pencils, inks, and colors on insects, crustaceans,faerie-folk, and miscellaneous creepy things), Jeff Butler (pencilsand inks on humans, demihumans, humanoids, giants, genies, dragonets,and miscellaneous part-human creatures), Dave Simons (pencils, inks,and colors on normal animals, almost normal animals, and squishythings), Tom Baxa (pencils, inks, and colors on gith-kind andmiscellaneous), Mark Nelson (pencils and inks on dragons, dinosaurs,and miscellaneous), Les Dorscheid (colors on most of the book), TimBeach and Doug Stewart (invisible stalker)

ArtCoordination:PeggyCooper with Tim Beach



Proofreading:KarenBoomgarden, Anne Brown, Andria Hayday, Thomas Reid, David Wise

Guidance:SteveWinter, Tim Brown, James M. Ward

MonsterSelection Committee:JeffGrubb, David Wise, John Rateliff, Tim Beach

Development:TimBeach, Doug Stewart, Slade Henson, Thomas Reid, Jeff Grubb, WolfgangBaur, Jon Pickens, John Rateliff

DesignConcept for MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® Appendices:David'Zeb' Cook, Steve Winter, Jon Pickens

Wewould like to offer special thanks to the artists and the people whohelped with development, as well as Rich Baker, Carolyn Chambers,Bill Connors, Peggy Cooper, Slade Henson, Dawn Kegley, Dana Knutson,Georgia S. Stewart, and Sue Weinlein.

Manypeople have contributed to either the original first edition monsterbooks or to the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM™ appendices. The list thatfollows may not be complete, but we would like to thank the followingpeople for their contributions to the monsters described in thisbook: the designers and editors, Rich Baker, Jay Battista, WolfgangBaur, Tim Beach, Scott Bennie, Donald J. Bingle, Linda Bingle, KarenBoomgarden, Grant Boucher, Al Boyce, Mike Breault, Anne Brown, TimBrown, Dr. Arthur W. Collins, Bill Connors, David 'Zeb'Cook, Troy Denning, Dale Donovan, Newton Ewell, Nigel Findley, SteveGilbert, Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb, Gary Gygax, Luke Gygax, AllenHammack, Kris & Steve Hardinger, Andria Hayday, Bruce A. Heard,Slade Henson, Tracy Hickman, Harold Johnson, Rob King, Vera JaneKoffler, Heike Kubasch, Steve Kurtz, J. Paul LaFountain, LenardLakofka, Jim Lowder, François Marcela-Froideval, David Martin, ColinMcComb, Anne McCready, Blake Mobley, Kim Mohan, Roger E. Moore, ChrisMortika, Bruce Nesmith, C. Terry Phillips, Jon Pickens, Brian Pitzer,Mike Price, Louis J. Prosperi, Tom Prusa, Jean Rabe, Paul Reiche, JimSandt, Lawrence Schick, Rick Swan, Greg Swedburg, Teeuwynn, JohnTerra, Gary Thomas, Allen Varney, James M. Ward, Dori Watry, SkipWilliams, and Steve Winter; the artists who helped define themonsters, Tom Baxa, Brom, Jeff Butler, Clyde Caldwell, Doug Chaffee,Tony DiTerlizzi, Les Dorscheid, Jeff Easley, Larry Elmore, FredFields, Jim Holloway, Daniel Horne, Mark Nelson, Keith Parkinson,Harry Quinn, Robh Ruppel, Dave Simons, Dave Sutherland, D.A.Trampier, Valerie Valusek; and the people who put the books togetherand make them look good, Linda Bakk, Dee Barnett, Steve Beck, PeggyCooper, Sarah Feggestad, Paul Hanchette, Angelika Lokotz, GayeO'Keefe, Stephanie Tabat, and Tracey Zamagne; and anyone who has everasked a question, offered constructive criticism, written an article,or offered an opinion about the monsters of the AD&D® game.Special thanks to Christopher M. Carter and Seth Goodkind forspotting errors.


AL-QADIM,DARK SUN, MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM, DUNGEON MASTER, DM, and the TSR logoare trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR characters, characternames, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned byTSR, Inc.

RandomHouse and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rightsin the book trade for English language products of TSR, Inc.

Distributedto the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR, Ltd.

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Thismaterial is protected under the copyright laws of the United Statesof America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of thematerial or artwork contained herein is prohibited without theexpress written consent of TSR, Inc.

Copyright©1995 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

HowTo Use This Book

Thishardcover MonstrousManualwas created in response to the many requests to gather monsters intoa single, durable volume which would be convenient to carry. With theDUNGEONMASTER™ Guide(DMG)and the Player'sHandbook (PHB),theMonstrous Manualforms the core of the AD&D® 2nd Edition game.

Everymonster from the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® Volumes One and Two arecontained within, as well as a few creatures from later volumes. Themonsters in the MonstrousManualhave been revised, edited, and updated. Statistics for many of thecreatures have been corrected, new information has been added to manyof the entries, and many monsters have been reclassified. There aresome new beasts, as well. In cases of conflicting information, theMonstrousManualsupersedes all previously published data.

Certainentries have been greatly condensed from MONSTROUS COMPENDIUMentries, to make this book as complete as possible without increasingits size or price. For instance, there is a full-page description ofravens in the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM appendix for the GREYHAWK®campaign setting; in this book, ravens are given only a few lines inthe 'Bird' entry. This provides enough information to usethe creatures for a short encounter, and it allows a page to bedevoted to another adversary.

Tofind a monster in this book, flip through the pages or look in theindex, which contains listings for the common name(s) of everymonster in the book, referenced to the correct page.

Allof the monsters described here are typical for their type. DMs shouldnote that unusual variations are encouraged, but they are mosteffective when they depart from the expected. Likewise, entriesdescribe typical lairs for creatures, from the dungeon complexes theyinhabit to the tree houses they build; changing the look of these canmake a monster encounter unique.


Thisintroduction describes how to interpret the monsters in this book. Inaddition, there are three small appendices in the back of the book.The first deals with making monsters. The second covers monstersummoning and includes tables for random determination of summonedcreatures; to make random encounter charts for a campaign, the DMshould refer to Chapter 11 of the DMG.The third appendix is concerned with creating NPC parties.


Several ofthe monsters in this book have been imported from specialized gameworlds, such as the SPELLJAMMER® campaign setting, the FORGOTTENREALMS® setting, or the DARK SUN® world. The monsters in this bookmay be used in any setting; if a campaign setting is noted, it simplydescribes where the monster was first encountered, or where it is themost common. A particular monster still may not be encountered in aspecific campaign world; this is up to the DM. For monsters from oneof the specific worlds, the DM should consult the appropriateMONSTROUS COMPENDIUM appendices.


Eachmonster is described fully, with entries that describe behavior,combat modes, and so on. These are explained in the following text.

CLIMATE/TERRAINdefineswhere the creature is most often found. Climates include arctic,sub-arctic, temperate, and tropical. Typical terrain includesplain/scrub, forest, rough/hill, mountain, swamp, and desert. In somecases, a range is given; for instance, 'cold' impliesarctic, sub-arctic, and colder temperate regions.

FREQUENCYisthe likelihood of encountering a creature in an area. Chances can beadjusted for special areas.

Very rare = 4% chance

Rare = 11% chance

Uncommon = 20% chance

Common = 65%chance

ORGANIZATIONis the general social structure the monster adopts. 'Solitary'includes small family groups.

ACTIVITYCYCLE isthe time of day when the monster is most active. Those active atnight can be active at any time in subterranean settings. These aregeneral guidelines and exceptions are fairly common.

DIETshows what the creature usually eats. Carnivores eat meat, herbivoreseat plants, and omnivores eat either. Scavengers primarily eatcarrion. If a monster does not fit any of these categories, thesubstances it does eat are described in the entry or in the text.

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INTELLIGENCEisthe equivalent of human 'IQ.' Certain monsters areinstinctively cunning; these are noted in the monster descriptions.Ratings correspond roughly to the following Intelligence abilityscores:

0 Nonintelligent or not ratable

1 Animal intelligence

2-4 Semi-intelligent

5-7 Low intelligence

8-10 Average (human) intelligence

11-12 Veryintelligent

13-14 Highlyintelligent

15-16 Exceptionallyintelligent

17-18 Genius

19-20 Supra-genius

21+ Godlike intelligence

TREASURErefers to the treasure tables in the DUNGEONMASTER Guide.If individual treasure is indicated, each individual may carry it (ornot, at the DM's discretion). Major treasures are usually found inthe monster's lair; these are most often designed and placed by theDM. Intelligent monsters will use the magical items present and tryto carry off their most valuable treasures if hard pressed. Iftreasure is assigned randomly, roll for each type possible; if allrolls fail, no treasure of any type is found. Treasure should beadjusted downward if a few monsters are encountered. Large treasuresare noted by a multiplier (x10, for example); this should not beconfused with treasure type X. Treasure types listed in parenthesesare treasures found in the creatures' lair. Do not use the tables toplace dungeon treasure, since the numbers encountered undergroundwill be much smaller.

ALIGNMENTshows the general behavior of the average monster of that type.Exceptions, though uncommon, may be encountered.

NO.APPEARING indicatesan average encounter size for a wilderness encounter. The DM shouldalter this to fit the circumstances as the need arises. This shouldnot be used for dungeon encounters.

Notethat some solitary creatures are found in small groups; this meansthey are found in very small family units, or that several may happento be found together, but do not cooperate with one another.

ARMORCLASSisthe general protection worn by humans and humanoids, protection dueto physical structure or magical nature, or difficulty in hitting dueto speed, reflexes, etc. Humans and humanoids of roughly man-sizethat wear armor will have an unarmored rating in parentheses. ListedAC does not include any special bonuses noted in the description.

MOVEMENTshows the relative speed rating of the creature. Higher speeds may bepossible for short periods. Human, demihuman, and humanoid movementrate is often determined by armor type (unarmored rates are given inparentheses). Movements in different mediums are abbreviated asfollows:

Fl = flying

Sw = swimming

Br = burrowing

Cl = climbing

Wb = moving across webs

Flyingcreatures also have a Maneuverability Class from A to E. Class Acreatures have virtually total command over their movements in theair; they can hover, face any direction in a given round, and attackeach round. Class B creatures are very maneuverable; they can hover,turn 180 degrees in a round, and attack in each round. Class Ccreatures are somewhat agile in the air; they cannot move less thanhalf their movement rate without falling, they can turn up to 90degrees in a round, and attack aerially once every two rounds. ClassD creatures are somewhat slow; they cannot move less than half theirmovement rate without falling, can turn only 60 degrees in a round,and can make a pass once every three rounds. Class E includes large,clumsy fliers; these cannot move less than half their movement ratewithout falling, can turn only 30 degrees in a round, and they canmake one pass every six rounds. See Chapter 9 of the DMGfor more information.

HITDICEcontrolsthe number of hit points damage a creature can withstand before beingkilled. Unless otherwise stated, Hit Dice are 8-sided (1-8 hitpoints). The Hit Dice are rolled and the numbers shown are added todetermine the monster's hit points. Some monsters have a hit pointspread instead of Hit Dice, and some have additional points added totheir Hit Dice. Thus, a creature with 4+4 Hit Dice has 4d8+4 hitpoints (8-36 total). Note that creatures with +3 or more hit pointsare considered the next higher Hit Die for purposes of attack rollsand saving throws.

THAC0is the attack roll the monster needs to hit Armor Class 0. This isalways a function of Hit Dice, except in the case of very large,nonaggressive herbivores (such as some dinosaurs), or creatures whichhave certain innate combat abilities. A human or demihuman alwaysuses a player character THAC0, regardless of whether they are playercharacters or 'monsters.' The THAC0 does not include anyspecial bonuses noted in the descriptions.

NUMBEROF ATTACKSshowsthe basic attacks the monster can make in a melee round, excludingspecial attacks. This number can be modified by hits that severmembers, spells such as hasteand slow,and so forth. Multiple attacks indicate several members, raking paws,multiple heads, etc.

DAMAGE/ATTACKshowsthe amount of damage a given attack causes, expressed as a spread ofhit points (based on a die roll or combination of die rolls). If themonster uses weapons, the damage done by the typical weapon will beallowed by the parenthetical note 'weapon.' Damage bonusesdue to Strength are listed as a bonus following the damage range.

SPECIALATTACKSdetailattack modes such as dragon breath, magic use, etc. These areexplained in the monster description.

SPECIALDEFENSESareprecisely that, and are detailed in the monster description.

MAGICRESISTANCEisthe percentage chance that any magic cast upon the creature will failto affect it, even if other creatures nearby are affected. If themagic penetrates the resistance, the creature is still entitled toany normal saving throw allowed. Creatures may have resistances tocertain spells; this is not considered 'magic resistance',which is effective against all spells.

SIZEis abbreviated as

T = tiny (2' tall or less);

S = smaller than a typical human (2+' to 4');

M = man-sized (4+' to 7');

L = larger than man-sized (7+' to 12');

H = huge (12+' to 25'); and

G =gargantuan (25+').

Mostcreatures are measured in height or length; some are measured indiameter. Those measured in diameter may be given a different sizecategory than indicated above. For instance, while a 6-foot tallhumanoid is considered size M, a spherical creature 6 feet indiameter has much more mass, so is considered size L. Similarly, acreature 12 feet long with a very slender body (like a snake) mightbe considered only man-sized. Adjustments like these should not movea creature more than one size category in either direction.

MORALEis a general rating of how likely the monster is to persevere in theface of adversity or armed opposition. This guideline can be adjustedfor individual circumstances. Morale ratings correspond to thefollowing range:

2-4 Unreliable

5-7 Unsteady

8-10 Average

11-12 Steady

13-14 Elite

15-16 Champion

17-18 Fanatic

19-20 Fearless

XPVALUE isthe number of experience points awarded for defeating, but notnecessarily killing, the monster. This value is a guideline that canbe modified by the DM for the degree of challenge, encountersituation, and for overall campaign balance.

Combatis the part of the description that discusses special combatabilities, arms and armor, and tactics.

Habitat/Societyoutlinesthe monster's general behavior, nature, social structure, and goals.In some cases, it further describes their lairs (the places they livein), breeding habits, and reproduction rates.

Ecologydescribes how the monster fits into the campaign world, gives anyuseful products or byproducts, and any other miscellaneousinformation.

Variationsof a monster are given in a special section after the main monsterentry. These can be found by consulting the index. For instance, thexorn entry also describes the xaren, a very similar creature.

Psionicsare mental powers possessed by many creatures in the MonstrousManual.The psionic listings are explained below:

Level:Howtough the monster is in terms of psionic experience level.

Dis/Sci/Dev:Howmany disciplinesthe creature can access, followed by the total number of sciences anddevotions the creature knows. Monsters can know sciencesanddevotionsonly from the disciplines they can access.

Attack/Defense:Thetelepathic attack and defense modes that the creature can use. Notethat defense modes are not included in the total number of powers thecreature knows. Abbreviations used are as follows:

PB PsionicBlast M- Mind Blank

MT MindThrust TS Thought Shield

EW EgoWhip MB Mental Barrier

II IdInsinuation IF Intellect Fortress

PsC PsychicCrush TW Tower of Iron Will

PowerScore:Thecreature's usual score when using a power that is not automaticallysuccessful.

PSPs:Thecreature's total pool of psionic strength points (the maximumavailable to it).

Therest of the listing indicates, by discipline, which powers thecreature has, sometimes listing the most common powers, sometimeslisting only the powers that all members of the species have. Unlessotherwise noted, the creature always knows powers marked by anasterisk.

Forinformation regarding psionic powers, see PHBR5, TheComplete Psionics Handbook.If the DM chooses not to use psionics in the campaign, the powers canbe changed to magical equivalents or simply ignored, though thelatter severely impedes certain monsters.


CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Tropicaland temperate mountains




DIET: Carnivore

INTELLIGENCE: Average(8-10)


ALIGNMENT: Neutralgood



MOVEMENT: 6, Fl 36 (C)


THAC0: 19


DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3or 2-8 (weapon)




SIZE: M(20' wing span)

MORALE: Steady(11)


Theaarakocra are a race of intelligent bird-men that live on the peaksof the highest mountains, spending their days soaring on the thermalwinds in peace and solitude.

Aarakocraare about 5 feet tall and have a wing span of 20 feet. About halfwayalong the edge of each wing is a hand with three human-sized fingersand an opposable thumb. An elongated fourth finger extends the lengthof the wing and locks in place for flying. Though the wing-handscannot grasp during flight, they are nearly as useful as human handswhen an aarakocra is on the ground and its wings are folded back. Thewing muscles anchor in a bony chest plate that provides the aarakocrawith extra protection. The powerful legs end in four sharp talonsthat can unlock and fold back to reveal another pair of functionalhands, also with three human-sized fingers and an opposable thumb.The hand bones, like the rest of an aarakocra's skeleton, are hollowand fragile.

Aarakocrafaces resemble crosses between parrots and eagles. They havegray-black beaks, and black eyes set frontally in their heads thatprovide keen binocular vision. Plumage color varies from tribe totribe, but generally males are red, orange, and yellow while femalesare brown and gray.

Aarakocraspeak their own language, the language of giant eagles, and, onoccasion, the common tongue (10% chance).

Combat:In aerial combat, an aarakocra fights with either talons or the heavyfletched javelins that he clutches in his lower hands. An aarakocratypically carries a half dozen javelins strapped to his chest inindividual sheaths. The javelins, which can be used for throwing orstabbing, inflict 2d4 points of damage. Owing to the aarakocra'sremarkable skill at throwing javelins in the air, it incurs none ofthe attack penalties for aerial missile fire. An aarakocra willalways save its last javelin for stabbing purposes rather thanthrowing it. Its favorite attack is to dive at a victim whileclutching a javelin in each hand, then pull out of the dive just asit reaches its target, and strike with a blood-curdling shriek. Thisattack gains a +4 bonus to the attack roll and causes double damage,but an aarakocra must dive at least 200 feet to execute it properly.

Anaarakocra is reluctant to engage in grappling or ground combat, sinceits fragile bones are easily broken. Though rarely used except whencornered, an aarakocra's sharp beak can bite for 1-3 points ofdamage.

Habitat/Society:Aarakocra live in small tribes of about 11-30 (1d20+10) members. Eachtribe has a hunting territory of about 10,000 square miles withcolorful banners and pennants marking the boundaries.

Eachtribe lives in a communal nest made of woven vines with a soft liningof dried grass. The eldest male serves as the tribe's leader. Intribes of more than 20 members, the second oldest male serves as theshaman, leading simple religious ceremonies involving the whistlingof melodic hymns at sunset on the first day of a new month. Malesspend most of their waking hours hunting for food and occasionallyfor treasure, such as gems and other shiny objects. Females spendeight months of the year incubating their eggs, passing the time byfabricating javelins and other tools from wood and stone. Whileresting on their backs, aarakocra females can use all four hands atthe same time to weave boundary pennants, javelins sheaths, and otheruseful objects from vines and feathers.

Fiveaarakocra, including a shaman, can summon an air elemental bychanting and performing an intricate aerial dance for three meleerounds. The summoned air elemental will comply with the aarakocras'request for a favor, though it will not endanger its life on theirbehalf.

Aarakocraare extremely claustrophobic and will not willingly enter a cave,building, or other enclosed area.

Ecology:Aarakocra have little to do with other species, including neighboringaarakocra tribes, and leave their home territory only in extremecircumstances. They rarely encounter humans except for an occasionalforay into a rural community to snatch a stray farm animal; this isnot an intentionally malicious act, as aarakocra are unable todistinguish between domestic and wild animals. A human venturing intoaarakocra territory may be able to convince one to serve as a guideor a scout in exchange for a shiny jewel or coin.


CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Tropicaland temperate/Subterranean


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DIET: Omnivore



ALIGNMENT: Lawfulevil





THAC0: 13






SIZE: H(20' long)

MORALE: Elite(13)

XPVALUE: 5,000

Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense PowerScore PSPs

8 3/5/16 EW, II PsC, +1/ = Int 250


Telepathy:FalseSensor Input, Mindlink, Mass Domination.

Theaboleth is a loathsome amphibious creature that lives in subterraneancaves and lakes. It despises most land-dwelling creatures and seeksto enslave intelligent surface beings. It is as cruel as it isintelligent.

Anaboleth resembles a plump fish, 20 feet in length from its bulboushead to its fluke-like tail. Its body is blue-green with graysplotches, and its pink-tan underbelly conceals a toothless, rubberymouth. Three slit-like eyes, purple-red in color and protected bybony ridges, are set one atop the other in the front of its head.Four pulsating blue-black orifices line the bottom of its body andsecrete gray slime that smells like rancid grease. Four leatherytentacles, each 10 feet in length, grow from its head. An abolethuses its tail to propel itself through the water and its tentacles todrag itself along dry land.

Combat:Theaboleth attacks with its tentacles for 1d6 points of damage each. Ifa victim struck by a tentacle fails a saving throw vs. spell, thevictim's skin transforms into a clear, slimy membrane in 1d4+1rounds. If this occurs, the victim must keep the membrane damp withcool water or suffer 1d12 points of damage each turn. Curediseasecast upon the victim before the membrane completely forms stops thetransformation. Otherwise, cureserious woundswill cause the membrane to revert to normal skin.

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Becauseits sluggish movement makes attacks difficult, the aboleth attemptsto lure victims close by creating realistic illusions at will,complete with audible, olfactory, and other sensory components. Theaboleth can attempt to enslave creatures within 30 feet; it can makethree attempts per day, one creature per attempt. If the victim failsa saving throw vs. spell, he follows all of the aboleth's telepathiccommands, although the victim will not fight on the aboleth's behalf.The enslavement can be negated by removecurse,dispelmagic,the death of the enslaving aboleth, or, if the victim is separatedfrom the aboleth by more than a mile, a new saving throw (one attemptper day.)

Whenunderwater, an aboleth surrounds itself with a mucous cloud 1 footthick. A victim in contact with the cloud and inhaling the mucus mustroll a successful saving throw vs. poison or lose the ability tobreathe air. The victim is then able to breathe water, as if havingconsumed a potionof water breathing,for 1-3 hours. This ability may be renewed by additional contact withthe mucous cloud. An affected victim attempting to breathe air willsuffocate in 2d6 rounds. Wine or soap dissolves the mucus.

Habitat/Society:Anaboleth brood consists of a parent and one to three offspring. Thoughthe offspring are as large and as strong as the parent, they defer tothe parent in all matters and obey it implicitly.

Abolethhave both male and female sexual organs. A mature aboleth reproducesonce every five years by concealing itself in a cavern or otherremote area, then laying a single egg and covering it in slime. Theparent aboleth guards the egg while the embryo grows and develops, aprocess that takes about five years. A newborn aboleth takes about 10years to mature.

Theaboleth spends most of its time searching for slaves, preferablyhuman ones. It is rumored that the aboleth use their slaves toconstruct huge underwater cities, though none have ever been found.The aboleth are rumored to know ancient, horrible secrets thatpredate the existence of man, but these rumors are alsounsubstantiated. There is no doubt that aboleth retain a staggeringamount of knowledge. An offspring acquires all of its parent'sknowledge at birth, and a mature aboleth acquires the knowledge ofany intelligent being it consumes.

Anaboleth's treasure consists of items taken from its slaves. The itemsare buried in caverns under a layer of slime resembling gray mud,recognizable by the distinctive rancid grease odor.

Ecology:Theomnivorous aboleth will eat any organic matter, usually algae andmicro-organisms, but they are also fond of intelligent prey so theycan absorb nutrients and information at the same time. Aboleth haveno natural enemies, as even the mightiest marine creatures give thema wide berth. Aboleth slime is sometimes used as a component forpotionsof water breathing.


CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperateand tropical/Plains and forests




DIET: Omnivore



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ARMORCLASS: Overall2, underside 4



THAC0: 17-13


DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-18(crush)+1-4 (acid)




SIZE: L-H(10' to 20' long)

MORALE: Average(9)

XPVALUE: 175-975

Theankheg is a burrowing monster usually found in forests or choiceagricultural land. Because of its fondness for fresh meat, the ankhegis a threat to any creature unfortunate enough to encounter it.

Theankheg resembles an enormous many-legged worm. Its six legs end insharp hooks suitable for burrowing and grasping, and its powerfulmandibles are capable of snapping a small tree in half with a singlebite. A tough chitinous shell, usually brown or yellow, covers itsentire body except for its soft pink belly. The ankheg has glisteningblack eyes, a small mouth lined with tiny rows of chitinous teeth,and two sensitive antennae that can detect movement of man-sizedcreatures up to 300 feet away.

Combat:The ankheg's preferred attack method is to lie 5 to 10 feet below thesurface of the ground until its antennae detect the approach of avictim. It then burrows up beneath the victim and attempts to grabhim in its mandibles, crushing and grinding for 3d6 points of damageper round while secreting acidic digestive enzymes to cause anadditional 1d4 points of damage per round until the victim isdissolved. The ankheg can squirt a stream of acidic enzymes onceevery six hours to a distance of 30 feet. However, since it is unableto digest food for six hours after it squirts enzymes, it uses thisattack technique only when desperate. A victim struck by the streamof acidic enzymes suffers 8d4 points of damage (half damage if thevictim rolls a successful saving throw vs. poison).

Habitat/Society:The ankheg uses its mandibles to continuously dig winding tunnels30-40 feet deep in the rich soil of forests or farmlands. Thehollowed end of a tunnel serves as a temporary lair for sleeping,eating, or hibernating. When an ankheg exhausts the food supply in aparticular forest or field, it moves on to another.

Autumnis mating season for ankhegs. After the male fertilizes the female,the female kills him and deposits 2d6 fertilized eggs in his body.Within a few weeks, about 75% of the eggs hatch and begin feeding. Ina year, the young ankhegs resemble adults and can functionindependently. Young ankhegs have 2 Hit Dice and an AC 2 overall andan AC 4 for their undersides; they bite for 1d4 points of damage(with an additional 1d4 points of damage from enzyme secretions), andspit for 4d4 points of damage to a distance of 30 feet. In every yearthereafter, the ankheg functions with full adult capabilities andgains an additional Hit Die until it reaches 8 Hit Dice.

Beginningin its second year of life, the ankheg sheds its chitinous shell justbefore the onset of winter. It takes the ankheg two days to shed itsold shell and two weeks to grow a new one. During this time, thesluggish ankheg is exceptionally vulnerable. Its overall AC isreduced to 5 and its underside AC is reduced to 7. Additionally, itmoves at only half its normal speed, its mandible attack inflictsonly 1d10 points of damage, and it is unable to squirt acidicenzymes. While growing a new shell, it protects itself by hiding in adeep tunnel and secreting a repulsive fluid that smells like rottenfruit. Though the aroma discourages most creatures, it can alsopinpoint the ankheg's location for human hunters and desperatelyhungry predators.

Ankhegsliving in cold climates hibernate during the winter. Within a monthafter the first snowfall, the ankheg fashions a lair deep within thewarm earth where it remains dormant until spring. The hibernatingankheg requires no food, subsisting instead on nutrients stored inits shell. The ankheg does not secrete aromatic fluid during thistime and is thus relatively safe from detection. Though the ankheg'smetabolism is reduced, its antennae remain functional, able to alertit to the approach of an intruder. A disturbed ankheg fully awakensin 1d4 rounds, after which time it can attack and move normally.

Theankheg does not hoard treasure. Items that were not dissolved by theacidic enzymes fall where they drop from the ankheg's mandibles andcan be found scattered throughout its tunnel system.

Ecology:Though a hungry ankheg can be fatal to a farmer, it can be quitebeneficial to the farmland. Its tunnel system laces the soil withpassages for air and water, while the ankheg's waste products addrich nutrients. The ankheg will eat decayed organic matter in theearth, but it prefers fresh meat. All but the fiercest predatorsavoid ankhegs. Dried and cured ankheg shells can be made into armorwith an AC of 2, and its digestive enzymes can be used as regularacid.






DIET: Omnivore

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INTELLIGENCE: Genius(17-18)


ALIGNMENT: Lawfulneutral





THAC0: 11


DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1-8(weapon)


SPECIALDEFENSES: Invisibility,dimension door


SIZE: L(12' tall)

MORALE: Champion(15)

XPVALUE: 3,000

Thearcane are a race of merchants, found wherever there is potentialtrade in magical items. They appear as tall, lanky, blue giants withelongated faces and thin fingers; each finger having one more jointthan is common in most humanoid life. The arcane dress in robes,although there are individuals who are found in heavier armor, acombination of chain links with patches of plate (AC 3).

Combat:Forcreatures of their size, the arcane are noticeably weak andnon-combative. They can defend themselves when called upon, butprefer to talk and/or buy themselves out of dangerous situations. Ifentering an area that is potentially dangerous (like most humancities), the arcane hires a group of adventurers as his entourage.

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Thearcane can become invisible,and can dimensiondoorup to three times a day, usually with the intention of avoidingcombat. An arcane feels no concern about abandoning his entourage inchancy situations. They can also use any magical items, regardless ofthe limitations of those items. This includes swords, wands, magicaltomes, and similar items restricted to one type of character class.They will use such items if pressed in combat and they cannot escape,but more often use them as bartering tools with others.


Arcanehave a form of racial telepathy, such that an injury to one arcane isimmediately known by all other arcane. The arcane do not seekvengeance against the one who hurt or killed their fellow. They reactnegatively to such individuals, and dealing with the arcane will benext to impossible until that individual makes restitution.

Habitat/Society:Nothingis known about the arcane's origins; they come and go as they please,and are found throughout the known worlds. When they travel, they doso on the ships and vehicles of other races. Finding such ships witharcane aboard is rare, and it is suspected that the arcane haveanother way of travelling over long distances.

Contactingthe arcane is no trouble in most civilized areas: a few words spreadthrough the local grapevine, through taverns, guilds, and barracks,are enough to bring one of these creatures to the surface. In gameterms, there is a base 10% chance per day of finding an arcane, ifPCs actively look for one; the chance increases or decreasesdepending on their location. Arcane never set up permanent ``magicshops.'

Thearcane's stock in trade is to provide magical items, particularlyspelljamminghelms,which allow rapid movement through space. The arcanes' high qualityand uniform (if high) prices make them the trusted retailers. Theyaccept payment in gold, or barter for other magical items (as a ruleof thumb, costs should be five times the XP reward of the item, or amore valuable item).

Thearcane take no responsibility for the use of the items they sell. Thearcane will deal with almost anyone. They often make deals with bothsides in a conflict, fully aware that they might annihilate all oftheir potential customers in a region. The arcane have no dealingswith neogi, nor with creatures from other planes, such as genies,tanar'ri, and fiends. It is unknown whether the arcane create a widevariety of magical devices, or secure them from an unknown source.

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